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management philosophy:
always endeavor to do still better, make quality of excellence and win a bright future!
Management objective:
To become the most professional and excellent suppliers of cold heading metal parts and hardware.
Treat people with sincerity and build business with integrity" is the most important core value of Ruigu. Honesty is the spiritual bond of social relationships. We keep it in mind : honesty is the best policy, to become an honest man, to do things honestly, be Strict with oneself at work, be practical and forms a unique powerful fighting force. Keep promise not only for ourselves, but also for striving to dedicate the perfect results to the customers.
"Concentration makes professional" . we always think that conscientiousness can only help one do right things, and to do things well you need devote your heart. The growth of an enterprise lies in the unremitting efforts of every employee . Ruigu’s success stems from the love and persistence of every employee for metal parts business and their jobs .Devotion to work, concentration, enthusiasm and excellence are the basic requirements of our company's sustainable management.
Innovation is not only the soul of enterprise development, but also the management policy that Ruigu adheres persistently. It is also the concentrated expression of our inner spirits of self-confidence, self-reliance and self-respect . We seek development by innovation, create market demand, lead the development trend of market ; carry forward the banner of being faster, higher and stronger, and strive to promote the development of China's hardware and spare parts, which can be embodied in management.
For the past road, Hangzhou Qun Jie walked with you;For the future road, Zhejiang ChuanYang will walk with you !
Copyright ? 2017 Zhejiang Chuanyang metal products Co., Ltd Zhejiang ICP prepare No. 17060798-1
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